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ForFarmers and team agrar join forces in Germany and establish a strong feed business in Northern Germany with a joint venture for feed production

Nutztierfutter mit einer Schaufel.

Dear business partner,

“Creating the Future 2030” and “For the Future of Farming” – two mottos that define the actions of team agrar and ForFarmers. Both companies believe in German agriculture, its functionality and, above all, its immense importance.

In light of this both, team agrar GmbH and ForFarmers N.V. will join their forces on the market for conventional feed in northern Germany from the 4th Quarter of 2024/ 1st Quarter 2025 onwards (subject to approval by the monopolies commission). This was preceded by the first step into a successful joint business a couple of years ago – the HaBeMa in which both companies are equally involved. The main aim of the future and the more intensive collaboration is to create a strong feed manufacturer that provides the best possible support for farmers and creates a future-proof company for employees and shareholders alike.

Details of the joint future

The conventional feed business of team agrar GmbH, both in trade and production at the mills in Rendsburg and Neubrandenburg, will be an independent company under the name of team agrar Futter GmbH as of the 16th of November 2024 (planned). This company will continue the production of feed for cattle, pigs and poultry.

The other divisions within team agrar GmbH remain unchanged.

Your future partner for feed
team agrar Futter GmbH

Claus-Peter Wölpern

You can find details about this venture in the provided FAQ:

What does this mean for me as a customer of the feed division of the team agrar GmbH?

Your partner for feed in the future will be the team agrar Futter GmbH. The competent sales representatives at team agrar Futter GmbH will be happy to consult you on the unchanged range of services. Your previous contract conditions, subject to the following paragraph, also remain unchanged.

Data transfer in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

As part of the business transfer, we will pass on your personal data to team agrar Futter GmbH. If you do not agree to the transfer of your customer data, please notify us in writing

via E-Mail: datenuebernahme@team.de
Mail subject: Widerspruch Datenübernahme team agrar Futter GmbH
until the 7th of October 2024.

If you wish, team agrar Futter GmbH will of course also set up a new customer account for you at any later date.

There is currently no need for you to take action. We will inform you about further details about the company and the business transfer at the beginning of November.

We look forward to continuing to be your competent partner in the future.

With best regards

Bent Nissen

team agrar GmbH

Claus-Peter Wölpern

Bereichsleiter Futter
team agrar GmbH